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多国籍企業およびやその経営陣が米国で直面する事業課題の解決に特化していることは、当事務所が長年にわたって培ってきた豊富な法律知識のほか、企業それぞれの固有文化や経営方法に対するきめ細かな理解の顕著な表れです。また、クライアントとの数十年にも及ぶ長期関係は、当事務所の誇りであり、所属する弁護士一同の熱意、献身さ、優れた法的分析力および適応能力の証でもあります。クライアントの国籍、業種、製品ラインを問わず、当事務所の弁護士 は、いかに複雑な案件や取引であっても、クライアントを成功へと導くための観点、法的見解、文化的知識およびビジネスに対する鋭い洞察を提供する交渉人かつアドバイザーであり続けています。

業務内容 主な取扱案件












































ジョシュア マシュー ウィルソン
アソシエイト, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
カール ヴォンドレイセン
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
角田 エルドン
プリンシパル, シャンバーグ
Tel 847.734.8811
ベンジャミン グールド
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
キース グロービー
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
マリー ゴードン
オブ・カウンセル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
リーバナ サックス
シニア・アソシエイト, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7534
河野 デイン
会長, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
フランク デルバルト
プリンシパル, シャンバーグ
Tel 847.734.8811
ジョセフ パリシ
オブ・カウンセル, シャンバーグ
Tel 847.734.8811
舟井 ブライアン
プリンシパル, シャンバーグ
Tel 847.734.8811
エイサ マーケル
プリンシパル, ロサンゼルス
Tel 310.630.5900
ジェニファー ワトソン
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
小林 城治
所長, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
牧 大祐
客員外国弁護士, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
山本 愼也
シニア・カウンセル, デトロイト
Tel 248.564.1116
田原 直
アソシエイト, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
リモートワーカーと州外法人事業登録(Foreign Qualification)の要否
Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). 米国企業透明性法(Corporate Transparency Act又は「CTA」)が2024年1月1日に施行され、米国内で事業を行う多くの企業は、米国財務省金融犯罪捜査網(The Treasury…
企業透明性法(Corporate Transparency Act)の下で中小企業に課される報告義務、2024年1月1日から施行
Corporate Transparency Act Recently, the U.S. government passed the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) to increase transparency within…
米連邦取引委員会(FTC)は、ハート・スコット・ロディーノ独占禁止法(Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements…
Co-Author: Jake J. Bennett (Law Clerk) 2022 Benchmark Survey. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (“BEA”) is a federal agency under the U.S…
Recently, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit vacated a district court’s grant of partial summary judgment when it…
DeSPACの時期 この2年間に特別買収目的会社(SPAC: Special-Purpose Acquisition…
Executive Summary The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced on January 21 its 2022 jurisdictional and filing fee thresholds under…
A lot has been reported on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (“SPAC”) and their revived use to raise money through an initial public…
SPACs – Impact on Strategic Investors
A lot has been reported on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (“SPAC”) and their revived use to raise money through an initial public…
概要 2020年8月26日、米国証券取引委員会(SEC)は、米国証券法の下で「適格投資家(accredited investor)」および「適格機関購入者(qualified institutional buyer…
Executive Summary The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced on February 1 its 2021 jurisdictional and filing fee thresholds under…
企業透明化法(The Corporate Transparency Act)、小規模の非公開会社に対し、実質的所有者(Beneficial Owner)に関する情報の報告を義務づける
概要 米国議会の下院と上院は、それぞれ2020年12月28日および2021年1月1日に、トランプ大統領が国防権限法(National Defense Authorization…
Executive Summary On December 27, 2020 President Trump signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (the “Act”) into law, which…
概要 米国財務省投資安全保障局(Office of Investment Security, Department of Treasury)は、2020年9月11日付で、重要な技術(critical…
Executive Summary The Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 (“Flexibility Act”) was signed into law by President Trump…
Executive Summary The Small Business Administration’s (“SBA”) Interim Final Rule on Treatment of Entities with Foreign Affiliates…
PPPローン申込資格と米国中小企業庁(SBA)発表のFAQ #44-依然として不明瞭な申込資格
Executive Summary The Small Business Administration’s (“SBA”) Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”) publications on the Paycheck…
給与保護プログラム(PPP)― ローン申込時における流動性にかかわる新要件と資金受領後の監査の可能性について
Executive Summary Companies that apply for Paycheck Protection Program ("PPP") loans should document that "economic uncertainty makes…
概要 2020年4月23日、イリノイ州のJ.B.プリツカー知事は、現在出されている「外出禁止令(stay-at-home…
概要 500人以下の従業員を雇用する中小企業が、米国中小企業庁(Small Business Administration)(「SBA」)の給与保護プログラム(Paycheck Protection…
Executive Summary When a party is in litigation, but feels it has a right to arbitrate, it can be a difficult decision whether to allow…
2020年1月13日、米国財務省投資安全保障局(Office of Investment Security, Department of Treasury)は、CFIUSの管轄および権限を定義するとともに、その管轄に服する特定の取引に対するCFIUS…
Executive Summary In any bankruptcy, there are inevitably winners and losers. The winners do not always do virtuous acts to win and the…
Litigious Attitude Coupled With Major Blunders Leads to Big Loss
Usually, being aggressive in business and in litigation is considered an advantage. But, as illustrated in a recent 7th Circuit case, it is…
DVO, Inc. (“DVO”) designs and builds anaerobic digesters that use microorganisms to break down biodegradable materials to create biogas…
Secured creditors filing a UCC financing statement under Article 9 must include a description of the collateral. (UCC 9-502) UCC Article 9…
イリノイ州が、租税恩赦(タックス・アムネスティ)を実施 ― 利息および罰則が免除される可能性
Under the 2019 Illinois Tax Delinquency Amnesty Act, Illinois taxpayers have the opportunity to pay delinquent taxes with the possibility…
No Liability from Void Contract with Union
In May, 2008, Matthew Friedman, a manager of 1550 MP Road LLC (“MP Road”), must have been very pleased. He had just negotiated and signed a…
概要 2018年8月13日、トランプ大統領による署名を経て、外国投資リスク審査現代化法(Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of…
FTC Announces Increased Hart-Scott-Rodino and Clayton Act Section 8 Thresholds for 2019
Executive Summary The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has announced its 2019 jurisdictional and filing fee thresholds under the…
Another Dilatory Claimant Loses Out
The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has faced multiple claims in which the defendants raised a statute of limitations defense, with mixed…
Buyer's Failed Claim of Breach of Requirements Contract Takes a Strange Turn – Enforceable as a Supply Contract for Fixed Quantity
On December 7, 2015 we reported on a 7th Circuit opinion in which a buyer failed in its efforts to enforce a supply agreement as a…
Manufacturer Loses Big Time Twice – to its Customer and to its Insurance Company
Berry Plastics Corporation (now known as Berry Global, Inc.) is a manufacturer of primarily plastic packaging products. It encountered some…
Breach of Contract and Interference Claims Fail Due to Statute of Limitations
In a recent update, we discussed a topical 7th Circuit Court of Appeals case in which an unpaid law firm successfully fended off a defense…
Ten Years After Crash, Litigation Continues – Directors of Bankrupt Holding Company not Liable to Trustee
The Great Recession of 2008 may seem a distant memory. September 15, 2018 is the 10th anniversary of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, the…
Unsigned Contract Still a Written Contract
Can an unsigned contract still be a contract? The answer is yes, for statute of limitations purposes, says the 7th Circuit Court of…
Fraudster's "Blame the Victim" Defense Fails
Richard Carter was a rancher in Wyoming where he operated a family-owned cattle ranch. He had the misfortune of using a dishonest broker…
Parent Company's Alleged Control of Subsidiary Insufficient to Establish Personal Jurisdiction
It is not uncommon for plaintiff’s counsel to assert creative theories in an effort to establish personal jurisdiction over a defendant in…
"Notwithstanding Anything to the Contrary" Language Disputed in Recent Case
Drafters frequently use language such as “Notwithstanding anything [in this section] or [in this agreement]” to emphasize and make clear…
FTC Updated Guidance to Avoid "Gun Jumping" Liability During M&A Negotiations
On March 20, 2018, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) issued updated guidance concerning compliance with the antitrust laws while…
Another Release Unsuccessfully Attacked by Releasing Party
In our update of January 2, 2018, we reported on a 7th Circuit case in which the releasing party, ADM, unsuccessfully tried to overcome the…
FTC Announces Increased Hart-Scott-Rodino and Clayton Act Section 8 Thresholds for 2018
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has announced its 2018 jurisdictional and filing fee thresholds under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust…
Another Illinois Case Decides When an Asset Purchaser is Responsible for Liabilities as a Mere Continuation of the Seller
In our Risk Management Update of December 23, 2015, we discussed an Illinois case that had to decide when a successor entity purchasing the…
Scam Targeting Attorneys Causes Big Loss To Bank
As many attorneys know, attorneys have been the frequent target of scams, such as those promising a big fee to assist in transferring funds…
Despite (or Because of) Extensive Negotiations, No Contract and No Promissory Estoppel
A common scenario involves two parties involved in intense and prolonged negotiations that one party feels resulted in an enforceable…
Giving Up What You Are Entitled To
There were two recent cases from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, one on May 16 and one on May 17. The parties, judges, and areas of law…
Another Corporate Veil Piercing Case – Sham Transactions Make Affiliates and Individuals Vulnerable
Suddenly courts in Illinois are issuing corporate veil piercing decisions. In our last update, we highlighted an Illinois Court of Appeals…
New Proposed Related Party Debt Regulations
On April 4, 2016, the U.S. Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") issued proposed regulations under Internal Revenue…
Extreme Example of "Piercing Corporate Veil"
It is standard legal advice for business lawyers to tell their clients to avoid claims of "piercing the corporate veil" by respecting the…
"Mere Continuation" Doctrine Applied to Transfer Liability to Successor Entity
It is an often-cited principle that an entity that purchases the assets of another entity is not liable for the debts and liabilities of…
Contract Says Terminable on 30 Days' Notice – But Court Says, Not Really
A recent case from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals discussed an interesting issue of contract interpretation of termination provisions…
Be Careful Who You Contract with and Who You Don't Contract with – Non-Party Not Bound
Northbound Group, Inc. generated and sold life insurance leads under the brand name "Leadbot." It was fairly successful in the late 1990s…
Business Owner Loses $30 Million Through Lack of Due Diligence
William Carlson was a successful businessman. Carlson was the owner of Willis Capital LLC, through which he founded Belvedere Trading LLC…
California Court Allows Equitable Defense to Enforcement of Guaranty in Spite of General Waiver
Shortly before the new year, California's Fourth District Court of Appeal, sitting in Riverside, delivered some clarity to California's law…
Confidentiality Agreement Not Enough to Protect Confidential Information
Confidentiality agreements have become routine as a part of conducting business. Parties frequently exchange confidentiality agreements, or…
Business Update: Action to "Pierce Corporate Veil" Fails – Another Creditor Spurned
The 7th Circuit has again left a disappointed creditor with no recourse because of the creditor's failure to do basic investigation or take…
コーポレート/ファイナンス/M&Aウェビナー <無料> ― 米国企業透明性法:報告義務の要件、継続的な報告義務、そして発展し続けるその法律の最新動向について(使用言語:英語)
ジョシュア・ウィルソン 米国内で事業を行う企業の多くに対し、企業の情報および実質的所有者情報を金融犯罪取締ネットワーク(Financial Crimes Enforcement…
コーポレート/ファイナンス/M&Aウェビナー <無料> - 米国企業透明性法の基礎知識: 貴社にどのように適用されるかご存じですか?(使用言語:日本語)
ジョシュア・ウィルソン 2024年1月1日付で企業透明性法(Corporate Transparency Act(CTA))が施行され、米国内で事業を行う多くの企業は、金融犯罪捜査網(Financial Crimes Enforcement…
コーポレート/ファイナンス/M&A ウェビナー<無料>ポストコロナのM&A市場の攻略 -米国等で売却される事業を取得する際の主要論点-(使用言語:日本語)
米国進出と事業運営における成功例・失敗例 (使用言語:日本語) アメリカ人の考え方、ビジネス商習慣の違い アメリカ現地法人が抱える日本本社への不満点 VS 日本本社が抱える現地法人への不満点…
Legal Symposium: Issues Facing U.S. Subsidiaries of Japanese Multinationals
Masuda Funai 2016 Legal Symposium Issues Facing U.S. Subsidiaries of Japanese Multinationals 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Registration, Networking and…
増田・舟井が、プライベートエクイティファンドとの株式譲渡を伴う戦略的提携において、Marlabs, Inc.を代理しました。
Press Release CHICAGO - Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. represented Marlabs, Inc. (“Marlabs”), a digital services company, in a deal…
増田・舟井に、税務専門弁護士(Tax Attorney)が入所しました。
We are excited to announce the recent addition of Murray L. Gordon to the Corporate & Finance team in the Chicago office. Murray will serve…
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. today released the results of its first annual Mergers and Acquisitions Survey. The survey features…
The article "Is a Joint Venture Preferable to a Merger/Acquisition?" summarizes a few key legal considerations for a German company looking…
グレゴリー・ライト弁護士が、「MUFG BizBuddy」に寄稿しました。
The article "FIRMMA and Changes to CFIUS Review of Cross-Border Investments" featured on BizBuddy’s website provides insights regarding the…
増田・舟井の弁護士が、Taiyo Technology of America Ltd.主催のレセプションおよびオープンハウスに出席しました。
Masuda Funai Principals, David Alexander, Dayne Kono and Stephen Proctor attended Taiyo Technology of America Ltd.'s (Taiyo) reception and…
On June 14, 2018, Masuda Funai hosted its Legal Symposium addressing issues encountered by U.S. subsidiaries of Japanese multinationals…
The article "The 4Es of Successor Liability" provides insights for businesses growing through mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures. It…
Masuda Funai Hosts Northern Ireland Delegation
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell Ltd. hosted the Northern Ireland Delegation on April 16, 2018 as part of its ABC Mission visit to Chicago…
Greg Wright Chairs Panel Discussion at M&A Conference
On March 8th, Greg Wright, Principal in Masuda Funai’s Corporate, Finance & Acquisitions Group, chaired a panel discussion at the Spring…
Masuda Funai Featured in The Japan Times
The Japan Times published a comprehensive report this month on Japanese business activity in the Great Lakes Region of the United States…
Masuda Funai Welcomes a New Principal
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. is pleased to announce the addition of Gregory M. Wright as a Principal in the firm's Chicago office…
Masuda Funai Attends Investment Summit in Washington, D.C. on Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
Keith Groebe, George Kobayashi and David Alexander from Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. attended the SelectUSA Investment Summit…
Masuda Funai Addresses Japanese Keidanren Delegation at Breakfast Hosted by Governor Rauner
PRESS RELEASE CHICAGO - Thomas McMenamin and George Kobayashi from Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. spoke at an Executive Breakfast…
Masuda Funai Attends International Conference in Berlin on Tech Startups and Cross-Border Expansion
PRESS RELEASE CHICAGO - Reinhold Krammer and Thomas McMenamin from Masuda, Funai Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. attended the Alliott Group's 2017…
Jennifer Watson Speaking at the GACC Midwest's 2017 SME Forum
On Tuesday, April 11th, Jennifer Watson, Principal in Masuda Funai's corporate transactions practice, will be speaking at the German…
Masuda Funai Hosted Legal Symposium for General Counsel
On June 9, 2016, Masuda Funai hosted a Legal Symposium for General Counsel from across the country at The Glen Club in Glenview, Illinois…
Masuda Funai Joins State of Illinois Delegation at Hannover Messe in Germany
Masuda Funai sponsored the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity at this year's Hannover Messe trade fair held in…
"FIRMMA and Changes to CFIUS Review of Cross-Border Investments" - BizBuddy, March 2019