Did you know that:
- an estimated 65% to 75% of all Forms I-9 are non-compliant?
- businesses can be fined between $220 to $2,191 per non-compliant I-9?
- most employers are fined for easily avoidable and correctable mistakes and practices?
- all U.S. employers must complete the Form I-9 for all employees?
Given the alarming national headlines of companies being audited and fined, it is imperative that all employers take steps to minimize liability.
Join Esther Contreras in the first of a series of webinars discussing today's most relevant I-9 and worksite enforcement topics. Esther will discuss the basic I-9 process, including how to complete the form, various timing requirements and essential procedures.
Questions? Please contact Renee Medema at rmedema@masudafunai.com or 312.245.7500.